Pražená zrnková káva, zloženie 100 % arabika. Chuťový profil: mango, limetka, pomaranč. Farma: San Adolfo Huila. Nadmorská výška: 1700 m n. m. Odroda: Caturra. Spracovanie: Co-Fermented Mango Lactic Honey. Acidita: oooo-. Telo: ooooo. Intenzita: oooo-. SCA: 89. Svetlé praženie. Spôsob prípravy: filter.
Cherries are harvested above 16ô brix´s.The cherries are soaked in water for 2 hours removing floater beans. Initialy cherry was fermented by 72 hours collecting mossto . The mossto juice is inoculated with a especific yeast with a solucion of glucose and a reduction of fresh Mango and dehydrated Mango , this juice is mixed with the cherries after pulped leaving 100% of the mucilage with fermentation submerged at 30 % for 72 hours .
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